Teaching Staff:

- Name: Dr. Vaishali Bhagwat Patil
- Designation: Director
- Qualification: MCA, PhD
- Area of Expertise: Natural Language Processing, Intelligent Tutoring System, Machine Learning etc
- Experience: 20 Years
- Phone: 9823299973
- Email ID: vaishali.imrd@gmail.com

- Name: Mr. Manoj Narhar Behere
- Designation: Assistant Director, Head of MCA and MCA(Integrated))
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Artificial Intelligence
- Experience: 25 Years
- Phone: 9881033312
- Email ID: manojnbehere@gmail.com

- Name: Dr. Manoj Brijlal Patel
- Designation: Head of MBM, IQAC Co-ordinator
- Qualification: MCA,PhD
- Area of Expertise: OS,RDBMS,SE, Linux,
- Experience: 23 Years
- Phone: 9850156700
- Email ID: manojpat123@rediffmail.com

- Name: Dr.Tushar Ramesh Patel
- Designation: Head of Dept BCA, BBA ,BMS
- Qualification: M.C.A Phd.
- Area of Expertise: C,C++,JAVA ASP.NET, PYTHON etc
- Experience: 23 Years
- Phone: 9604829450
- Email ID: tushar.patel@rcpimrd.ac.in

- Name: Dr. Manojkumar Sahebrao Sonawane
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MSC,MCA
- Area of Expertise: DBMS,os, programming languages
- Experience: 17 years
- Phone: 9922550804
- Email ID: manojkumar.sonawane@rediffmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Kedar shyam apte
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Web yechnologies
- Experience: 16 Years
- Phone: 9922404945
- Email ID: aptekedar82@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Mahesh Kishor Bhavsar
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCM, MBA, Ph.D. (Pursuing)
- Area of Expertise: Web Design
- Experience: 14 Years
- Phone: 9975116267
- Email ID: maheshkbhavsar@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Dr. Amarsingh Kuwarsingh Gaur
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MBA, Ph.D.
- Area of Expertise: Marketing Management & HR Management
- Experience: 15 Years
- Phone: 9021433517
- Email ID: imrd.amargaur@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Dr. Yogesh Chhabildas Shethiya
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: M.com, MBA, PhD
- Area of Expertise: Marketing Management
- Experience: 14 Years
- Phone: 8329471848
- Email ID: yogishethiya@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Dinesh Atmaram Borase
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: M.A. (English) , B.Ed.
- Area of Expertise: English
- Experience: 14 Years
- Phone: 9766001223
- Email ID: dinesh.borase86@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Sachin Subhashchand Surana
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: B.Com. MBA SET (Management)
- Area of Expertise: Accounting
- Experience: 13 Years
- Phone: 9763713291
- Email ID: suranasachin801@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Dr. Amit Prakashrao Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA,PhD (Comp. Sci.)
- Area of Expertise: Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
- Experience: 15 Years
- Phone: 9545017218
- Email ID: patilamit03@gmail.com

- Name: Vishal Arun Pawar
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA, PhD Pursuing
- Area of Expertise: C, C++, Java, .Net, Mobile Computing
- Experience: 14 Years
- Phone: 9860921016
- Email ID: vishal.imrd@rediffmail.com

- Name: Chhaya Suhas Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA, NET, PhD Pursuing
- Area of Expertise: Machine learning
- Experience: 12 Years
- Phone: 9511716186
- Email ID: chhaya.imrd@gmail.com

- Name: Dr. Laxmikant Mithulal Sharma
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: PhD, MBA
- Area of Expertise: Financial Management
- Experience: 12 Years
- Phone: 8149901314
- Email ID: sharmalaxmikant07@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Dr. Dagadu Mitharam Marathe
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: Ph.D.
- Area of Expertise: Data Science, Data Mining, Web Mining, SEO, Php, JAva
- Experience: 15 years
- Phone: 9767678704
- Email ID: marathe9975933046@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Priyanka Sanjay Saindane
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Data Structure, C programming, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
- Experience: 5 Years
- Phone: 8275603282
- Email ID: piyurap1418@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Rohini Rangrao Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Web Development
- Experience: 4 Years
- Phone: 9766104239
- Email ID: prohini28@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Sufiyan Mustak Bagwan
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MBA(Marketing)
- Area of Expertise: Marketing, Entrepreneurship Development etc
- Experience: 7 Years
- Phone: 9881004913
- Email ID: smbagwan86@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Dr. Priyanka Vinay Bhandari
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: M.B.A., Ph.D.
- Area of Expertise: Fundamental of Management,HRM, Cyber Security, Entrepreneurship Development
- Experience: 11 Years
- Phone: 9423981094
- Email ID: priyanka.vbhandari30@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Sumit Shivaji Sagale
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: Ph.D Pursuing, SET ( Management), MBA Marketing, BE Information Technology
- Area of Expertise: Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour
- Experience: 5 years
- Phone: 9665023412
- Email ID: sumitsagale16@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MBA FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (Pursuing PhD)
- Area of Expertise: Finance , Stock Market, Business Management, H.R Management
- Experience: 5 Years
- Phone: 9673795780
- Email ID: patilmilind732@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Vijay Ramesh Garge
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: M.B.A.(HR+IBM), M.Com., M.C.M., D.B.M., Ph. D. (Pursuing)
- Area of Expertise: Computer Management Subjects
- Experience: 16 Years
- Phone: 9518537465
- Email ID: vijaygarge.rcp@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: M.Com, PGDBFM, Licentiate- III, NET(Commerce), Ph. D. (Pursuing)
- Area of Expertise: Accounts & Financial Management
- Experience: 9 Years
- Phone: 9850628305
- Email ID: kk50628305@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Monali Sunil Kirange
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: BE (Comp. Sci.)MBA (Operation Management), M.Tech
- Area of Expertise: Computer Fundamental,Marketing Management
- Experience: 3 Years
- Phone: 9890191768
- Email ID: monalikirange@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Rahul Sanjay Badgujar
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: Integrated MCA
- Area of Expertise: HTML ,C programming,Java
- Experience: 3 Years
- Phone: 7775855238
- Email ID: rsb.imrd@gmail.com
- Resume: Download
- Name: Dipali Ravindra Nhalde
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: Integrated MCA
- Area of Expertise: Web Designing
- Experience: 3 Years
- Phone: 8830083132
- Email ID: dipali.imrd@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Dr. Rupali Pawan Agarwal
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: Ph.D, M.com ,MBM
- Area of Expertise: Accounting and Costing
- Experience: 13 Years
- Phone: 8208330216
- Email ID: rupaliagrawal1928@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Vitthal Maharu Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: Msc Computer, Bed , MBA
- Area of Expertise: C, C++, Java , .Net , Python , Machine Learning ,Ds
- Experience: 12 Years
- Phone: 7410164140
- Email ID: vmpimrd@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Vijeta Bapu Songire
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: C++
- Experience: 1 Year
- Phone: 9545464715
- Email ID: vijetabapusongire@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Kirtika Narhar Behere
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Teaching
- Experience: 1Years
- Phone: 8668768438
- Email ID: kirtikabehere20@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Dhanashree Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: M.Tech
- Area of Expertise: Data Science, Optimization Algorithm, Mathematics
- Experience: 2 Years
- Phone: 7083748555
- Email ID: dhanashreepatil663@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Aishwarya Atul Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: BCA, MCA
- Phone: 7219275635
- Email ID: aishmpatil28@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Suvarna Suresh Chaudhari
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MSc.(Comp)
- Area of Expertise: C++
- Experience: 6 Months
- Phone: 9975527282
- Email ID: csuvarna072@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Jyotsna Dhanraj Mali
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MSc Computer
- Area of Expertise: C,C++
- Experience: 0.6 Years
- Phone: 7770051896
- Email ID: jdmali18998@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Harshada Lakshman Chaudhari
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Web Development
- Experience: 1 Years
- Phone: 7756021413
- Email ID: chaudhariharshada713@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Vishakha Kishor Magar
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: C programming, DBMS
- Experience: 1 Years
- Phone: 8668974560
- Email ID: magarvishakha33@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Bhagyashri Parmeshwar Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Software engineering, operating system
- Experience: 1 Years
- Phone: 9373553457
- Email ID: bhagyashripatil.imrd@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Suchita Dnyaneshwar Jadhav
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Cpp,Html, .net, os
- Experience: 1 Years
- Phone: 9921868692
- Email ID: sjrcpimrd123@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Mrunal Sanjay Bidkar
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Core Java
- Experience: 1 Years
- Phone: 7030575896
- Email ID: bidkarmrunal0211@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Ms. Trupti Ananda Chaudhari
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: B.Sc.( Comp. Science), M.Sc.(Comp. Science), M.C.A.
- Area of Expertise: C, C++, Java , .NET , Python
- Experience: 16 Years
- Phone: 9273980263
- Email ID: chaudharitrupti26@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Dr. Asha Rajaram Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: M.Sc., M.C.A, Ph.D.
- Area of Expertise: Image Processing, Machine Learning, System Programming
- Experience: 17 Years
- Phone: 9604477844
- Email ID: ashapatil911@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Jyoti Dilip Gorane Lohar
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: B. Sc., M. B. M., Ph. D. (Pursuing)
- Area of Expertise: Java, Advance Java Microprocessor, Operation Research
- Experience: 8 Years
- Phone: 9324446983
- Email ID: jyotigorane27@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Bhavsar Manasi Yogesh
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: M.com
- Area of Expertise: Accounting,Economics
- Experience: 1 Year
- Phone: 7083553157
- Email ID: mansibhavsar0901@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Vinod Sukalal Mahajan
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MBM(Computer Mgt), MBA
- Area of Expertise: C++, Java, Python, PHP, .Net
- Experience: 15 Years
- Phone: 9673363604
- Email ID: vinodmahajan.imrd@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Punam Vikram Mandalik
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Web Design
- Experience: 1 Year
- Phone: 8552805184
- Email ID: punammandalik108@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Vaishnavi Umesh Suryavanshi
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Dot Net ,SQL,NOSQL, PHP,AI,ML
- Experience: 1 Year 5 Months
- Phone: 9970878778
- Email ID: vaishsuryawamshi12@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Roshani Bhatu Baviskar
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: C, Java, HTML
- Phone: 9022350598
- Email ID: roshanibavishkar@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Prerana Dnyaneshwar Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: C , C++ ,Java ,python ,PHP,JS,AI
- Phone: 7350871380
- Email ID: preranapatil.imrd@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Shreeyash Yogesh Patil
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Python,C,Java,Web Development
- Phone: 9011315301
- Email ID: shreeyash.patil714@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- Name: Harshal Jaywant Bhamare
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Qualification: MCA
- Area of Expertise: Web development, Artificial intelligence
- Phone: 9325884677
- Email ID: harshalbhamare18@gmail.com
- Resume: Download