Staff Welfare Committee

Introduction :

Institute has always taken prime initiatives for overall development of the faculty members and administrative staff members. The Institute's Staff Welfare Committee aims to contribute various sessions and events for the staff to create a productive working environment. Institute has organized orientation sessions for faculty members. Institute’s Staff Welfare Committee committed for professional development, financial growth, physical and psychological wellbeing of all staff members.

Objectives :

1. Staff Welfare Committee committed for professional development of all the staff members through-

  • Initiate for general welfare activities.
  • Motivate the faculty members to participate in FDP, workshops, seminars and conferences.
  • Encourage the faculty members to publish research work in reputed /UGC Care journals.
  • Inspire the faculty members to submit research proposals to funding agencies.

2. Staff Welfare Committee committed for overall physical and psychological wellbeing of all the staff members through-

  • Organization of sports activities.
  • Yoga and Meditation practices.
  • Faculty member get together / Teacher’s Day Celebration / Excursion.
  • Health awareness programs.

3. Staff Welfare Committee committed for overall development of the staff members through-

  • Sessions on financial planning.
  • Orientation session.
  • Entrepreneurial meet.
  • Session on teaching-learning resources.
Summary of the activities :
  • 1) Staff Welfare Committee has organized sessions on Microsoft teams, Zoom online meeting platform, NDLI Club, OPAC Utilization, Anti plagiarism Turnitin Software, Shodhganga, Interactive Smart Board training and Research guidance for faculty members.
  • 2) Institute has provided financial assistance for participation in the various FDP, workshops, seminars and conferences.
  • 3) In order to enhance research skill, the Institute has provided financial assistance to the staff for publication of the research papers/articles in the UGC Care journals.
  • 4) Institute has provided staff welfare measures like the Group Medical Insurance, Accidental Insurance, Teachers day celebration, Health Club, Sports facilities for the staff members.
Staff Welfare Activity Report
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Activity Report 2023-24 Download
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